Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jazz Jackrabbit 2

Jazz Jackrabbit is similar in gameplay to the Sonic the Hedgehog games, with some differences. The game features six episodes; each episode consists of three worlds, with two levels and one 3D bonus level (reached by finding a special gem hidden in one of two standard levels) per world, a secret level on each episode hidden in a particular planet and finally a boss level. Unlike Sonic, Jazz has a life bar: when enemies shoot or come in contact with him, he loses health that must be replenished by collecting carrots. If his health falls to zero, Jazz turns to ash and the level restarts from the last checkpoint. Also, instead of jumping on enemies(which would only result in Jazz losing health) Jazz must shoot his enemies with a blue gun he always carries. A variety of different bullet types can be found in the game and do varying amounts of damage.

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