Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Why Not Use Technology To Save The Planet?"

Technological advances in the past decade have been nothing but impressive. People have incorporated so much of technology in their lives that imagining independence from it seems impossible. Point and case, picture how difficult it would be to make communication transactions without a mobile phone or internet access. The idea of it is just frustrating! Can you imagine manually sending office documents to all your clients all the time? Will you still feel secure knowing that the next call you have to make to a loved one on an emergency situation has to wait until you find your self near a landline? Those scenarios seem so far from the realm of technology that we live in today, we’ve got machines doing manual labor for us, and just when we thought that we would always have the edge over computers in terms of “thinking”, programs that can plan everything from your floor layout, to your personal schedule are born, and once again, humans succumb to the convenience of technology, give in and allow them to take over our lives. With all the advantages offered by technology, why don’t we push our luck much further and consider developing something to help ease the irreversible damages we’ve inflicted on Mother Earth? We’ve gone so far as creating robots to cater to the beckoned call of man, why not technology that can alleviate the planet’s destruction?

Realistically speaking, the Earth cannot be destroyed by man. Let’s not get ahead of our selves. Sure humans are both genius and ingenious but our egos will fall face first on the floor if we keep claiming that we have the power to make the planet disintegrate. Why so? Just like the human body has the capacity to regenerate and heal its self, the earth to has the capacity to self-repair and outlast us all. All the harmful things we do to mother earth just make the planet NOT conducive to human habitation. In short, we’re plotting for OUR destruction, not the earth’s. When we destroy our natural resources, we just inch our way to human annihilation. All the earth has to do is pull off another ice age and she’s bound to go back to tip-top shape. We, on the other hand, have to go extinct in the process. Isn’t the truth even scarier? When we care for the planet, we do humans more of a favor than the planet. So instead of thinking that we have to save the earth, think “Save Your Self”.

We’ve placed a satellite outside the earth and got it to float around space. We’ve sent space ships to the moon, we’ve created the internet, we’ve even made long distance relationships possible through live streaming, online calls and 24 hour delivery services from one continent to the other. Surely doing good to the planet is also a sound tech advancement investment, right?

Why not build more solar panels that can be sent to space to absorb more heat and have it resend the power supply back to earth? Don’t think this idea is bogus, it’s the same concept as your TV. Networks send signals to outer space and zap it back to your living room.

We can also develop technology that filters large volumes of water so that we can clean up our rivers and lakes. We do it in the faucet with our purifiers, we can just think in a much bigger scale!

What about inventing cars that are no longer dependent on gas? It can utilize solar power during the day, aided by electricity, and then at night, it can run on dirty water. Yeah, yeah, its more of a dream than an actual development proposal, but it cannot be impossible! After all, we have had people survive in zero gravity situations, this task should be a breeze!

In recent years, Japan has made efforts to develop technology that can assist environmental causes. Actual plans of sending solar panels to space are underway. But should we really be depending on just one country to make the moves when every single person in every single country is contributing to environmental deterioration?

It’s a fact that we have the brains to think of brilliant ideas to save ourselves from complete inexistence. We have the resources, the energy, the cause and the skills. We’re just not allocating any time to do something. Neither is the government prioritizing this urgent need. National governments the world over are run by supposedly brilliant men and women who talk politics and economics all the time. What they don’t realize is that all their efforts to supposedly “make the future brighter” will be in vain when no one gets to live to see it because our time on earth ran out.

Please urge everyone around you to conserve resources, take an active role in promoting green-living and act positively on nature’s behalf. Do paperless transactions in the office, use energy-saving bulbs, use up less gas for transportation, buy less plastic and plant more trees. These are small things that we can do manually now, at least until we can develop the right technology that will help us save the earth… I mean, “save ourselves”

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